Glass Gallery

Welcome to our gallery of Viking Glass. Shown below is just one sample from each category. Click on the picture or category name to view all the items in the category.

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Amber Ware Special Pour

Arching Thumb Print Footed Base


Artichoke Flowerlite



Blossom Decorated

Blown Long Neck

Bull's Eye Block Candle Glimmer

Burkam Bunny - BB Base

Candle & Flower Arranger

Candlewick Satin Accents by Dalzell


Chicken Salad Bowl

Colored Candlewick by Viking

Controlled Bubble Paper Weights

Country Craft

Crystal Mist

Crystal Satin Figurines

Curved Diamond Base - Smoking

Dalzell Viking 1986 - 1996

Diamond Point Candy & Cover

Diamond Point Glimmer Fairy Lamp

Diamond Thumb Print

Early Epic Bowls & Vases

Early Viking Leaf Relish Tray

Epic Candle Sticks

Epic Leaf

Epic 4 Flares Vase

Epic 4 Foils Pointed and Crimped Bowl

Epic 6 Petal

Epic 8.5 Inch Owl Ashtray

Epic 9 Inch Oblong Bon Bon

Epic Angel Fish

Epic Bird Candy Box

Epic Birds

Epic Candle Bowl 8 Inch Spiked

Epic Candle Vase

Epic Cat

Epic Column Ribbed

Epic Covered Candy Dishes

Epic Crackle

Epic Decanters

Epic Diamond Twisted Base

Epic Dog

Epic Double Crimped

Epic Drape

Epic Duck

Epic Duck Covered Candy Box

Epic Egret

Epic Fighting Ducks

Epic Fish

Epic Flared #1459 Bud Vase

Epic Four Square

Epic Hexagon Base Thumbprint Candy

Epic Hurricane Candleholders

Epic Leaf 6 Inch Covered Candy

Epic Leaf Glimmer Fairy Lamp

Epic Leaf Vase

Epic Loop

Epic Mushroom

Epic Oval Deep Bowl

Epic Owl Head

Epic Patio Lite

Epic Penguin

Epic Petal Foot

Epic Relish Trays

Epic Ribbed Fluted

Epic Robin

Epic Rooster

Epic Rose Bowl

Epic Silver/Overlay Pitcher

Epic Stockholm Spiked Bowls

Epic Swan

Epic Swung Pitcher

Epic Taperglow Candleholder

Epic Three Foils

Epic Triangle Base

Epic Twist

Epic Vase

Finnish Vessel

Flamenco Two-Hue Crystal

Flower Tree Decorated

Footed Tray - 1965 Only!

Fruit & Vegetable Paperweights

Fruit Paper Weights - Satin Colored


Georgian 6 Inch Heavy Candle Glimmer

Georgian Glimmer Fairy Lamp

Glimmers Varieties by Viking

Icicle Glimmer

Ivy Ball - 5.5 Inch Footed

Jewelry Tree

L. E. Smith 9 Foils Rib Vases

L. E. Smith Broken Column Vases

L. E. Smith Diamond Base Vases

L. E. Smith Dominion Pulled Diamond Vases

L. E. Smith Foils & 8 Petals Footed Vases

L. E. Smith Foils & Ribs Vases

L. E. Smith Smooth Bottom Vases

L. E. Smith Stemmed Footed Vases

L. E. Thousand Eyes Vases

L. E. Three Wheeler Vases

L.E. Smith - 6 Petals Vases

L.E. Smith - Miscellaneous

L.E. Smith Fern & Scroll Vases

L.E. Smith Footed Dominion Vases

L.E. Smith Nubby Butt Vases

L.E. Smith Paneled Vases

L.E. Smith Pineapple Vase

L.E. Smith Pitcher

Large Viking Flowerlite #1014

Love Bird

Mirror Images Limited Editions


Mosser Butterfly

Mosser Georgian

Mount Vernon

New Martinsville

New Martinsville/Viking #474 Rabbit

New Martinsville/Viking Flower Bowl

Orbital Sphere Apple Covered Candy

Oval Scroll 2 & 4 Candle Flowerlite

Owl Bottle

Owl Glimmer Fairy Lamp

Owl Vase

Paneled Window Oil Lamp

Pastel Bouquet

Paul Revere Lite Glimmer

Pillar Candle Holder

Pot Belly Stove Glimmers

Princess Flowerlites & Other Pieces

Pulled Circle

Rainbow Crackle Glass

Rainbow Duotone Glass

Rainbow Glass

Rainbow Optic Glass

Sad Dog Paperweight

Seafood Salad Set

Small Animal Paper Weights

Small Animals

Smoking - Lighters & Accessories

Smoking - Viking's Ashtray's

Soft Lights Candle Glimmers

Spiritual - Religious Crystal Figurines

Three Toed Line No. 10

Thumper - Old Viking Edition

Thumper the Rabbit - Old Viking Mold - Mosser


Viking Butterfly

Viking Crystal with Chrome

Viking Glass Baskets

Viking Glass Rose

Viking Look-A-Likes

Viking Oblong Bowls

Viking Pink Satin Decorated Special Group 1982

Viking Pulled Bubble Base

Viking Small Bells

Viking's Christmas Additions

Windswept Vases

Yesteryear Bulls Eye

Yesteryear Classic

Yesteryear Hobnail 5 Inch Flowerlite

Zodiac Mushroom

Zodiac Paperweight


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